I was done. Now, I’m just beginning.

It was rough…..

Its been a tough few months. The cause of my gastric bleeding was found on February 28, pretty much by accident, and surgically fixed the very next morning. It must have been a sign, because if there were no answers for me at that consult on February 28, I was checking out. I was done. I’d vomited blood, daily, since December 5. I was so very sick of feeling continually nauseous and lousy, yet trying to fake happiness and smile. I had decided that if there were no answers at that consult, it was my last day. I’d never been so physically unwell, for such a long time, and never been so defeated. I was done.

I am eternally grateful to the amazing team I had – my surgical, medical and gastro teams, the pathologists, radiologists, and my incredible psychologist – I wouldn’t have made it to February 28 without him.

My recovery, post surgery, was rapid. I sorted my life out. I’ve set some goals and made myself a bucket list – which I haven’t reduced to writing, but I will! And I’m being incredibly selfish – because my bucket list is all about me. I’m taking on my Navy-Sister’s mantra ‘My life, My way’ (Thanks for the inspo Mel, love you forever <3)

It was a month before I could exercise again, but I am back at CrossFit, with the most awesome bunch of folk one will ever meet. Ive been back at it now for a month and I’m sure its killing me?!! It’s not, but I really do love to complain about how much my body hurts! CrossFit keeps me going, its so damn good for my mental health and I hear from some of my CrossFit fam that it ticks the boxes for their mental health also. Shoutout to my CrossFit Fam at CrossFit 189 – the best bunch of people I know ❤

Onward and Upward

So I’m moving on. I’m moving up.

I’m doing things for me.

I did a course a few weeks ago on how to make beeswax wraps. It was lots of fun and I met some nice ladies. Ive found a wax supplier and am going to start making and selling beeswax wraps, beeswax candles and some therapeutic lip balm- not for the money, but for me. Because I want to. Because its a bucket list item.

I did a macro photography course today. Its the first photography course I’ve ever done and it was a lot of fun and really quite overwhelming. I learned just how much I don’t know! The facilitator was fantastic and was incredibly helpful with making photography work with my dodgy eye’s – I have bilateral strabismus on horizontal and vertical plains and was diagnosed about 5 years ago with Fuchs Dystrophy, so I cant judge distance AND am slowly losing my sight. Gotta love good genetics! Photos on my facebook page – here!!

Im going to do another photography course soon – a Wildlife photography course. Or an Astral course. Or probably both. Because I want to.

I’m loving my new workplace. My colleagues are hysterical and the fast pace keeps my mind occupied, mostly. And they accept me, PTSD and all.

I’m loving the cool weather and I love that my workplace is so flexible I can set different hours and train in the afternoon instead of the morning. Running at 0630 in the freezing cold is just not appealing….so I’m going at 1600 or 1700, depending on what I fancy. Because I can. Because I want to.

I’m going to write a bucket list and start ticking things off. Not a full-on wanky bucket list though, just a little bit wanky – and subject to change. I’m making goals and intend to kick goals. And I’m going to keep fighting my battles……and the bats in my belfry…..but those bats…..they get a blog of their own. Special buggers that they are….

Pies v Eagles – 2018 Second Qualifying Final

Ive never done a live blog. I dont even know if it is a ‘thing’, but I’m going to give it a go. The way I write, I may well do two blogs – One for the first half and one for the second. Will see how it goes! 7Mate have the rights for the finals season so I get to see every game. Every. Game. Live. After Demetriou (thank god he has gone) sold out the rights to the pay TV channels, we dont get to see a lot of footy unless its Lions or Suns – and really….second rate teams so why would you even wanna watch?

I get pretty vocal when I watch my boys, be it live or on the box. There is the possibility that by live blogging the game, I wont be yelling my head off and my long suffering, dearly beloved, will have a night of peace. Or not?!

Ive just tuned in to 7Mate and Pre-match is on, as well as post-match of the annihilation that was the Swans v Giants. Buddy was kept goal-less….ohhh, shame…Not!


Pre match is always interesting. So much speculation. Only 33 mins till the bounce and I’m anxious and wishing they would get on with it. The game is in the west and the commentators are calling it an Eagles with with a 60K+ crowd.

Commentators are breaking down the Eagles. They think the danger players are Rioli, Kennedy and Jetta. Jetta was late….only just turned up. What the? Kennedy is being interviewed, gosh, he is a tall unit – and we dont have a lot of tall players in defence to match him. I’m picking Howe to mark him – and hopefully mark over him!

Commentators are doing the Pies breakdown now. Varcoe is playing – I heard he had taken leave following the tragic loss of his sister who died after a head knock in a game of footy? I’m glad he is playing. The commentators are picking DeGoey as our danger man, but honestly, we have so many good players its difficult to pick? Stephenson, what a gun. Pendles – the eternal star. Treloar returning from injury to both hamstrings, Howe, back from injury to fly through the sky and Grundy? Wow, Grundy!! Then there is Sidebottom as well. Thats my boys! Oh yeah, and Cox – but I’m really not a fan. He needs to redeem himself in my eyes.

A minute silence for Margaret Varcoe. Absolute silence. Beautiful. Now the anthem….then GAME TIME!


Goldsack picks up Kennedy – that’s hard work, picking up the favourite at his home ground.

Messy start, really hasn’t gotten out of the centre of the ground. Slowly moving it down the ground to our goals – and now its with Mihocek who kicks a behind? Ugh.

Pies defence is holding up pretty well in the forward 50. Making it hard for the eagles to get it out. Everything is contested. Its already starting off hard. . Grundy free!!!

Eagles have it and are away. Eagles 50 butt the pies are there. Left foot snap by the eagles and its a behind.

Stephenson free, sends it towards Cox but yeah, its Cox….really not a fan…I know it was 3 against him, but yeah, not a fan!! Bit of scrappy play around the middle again and Mihocek snaps one over the shoulder for another behind. Seriously, I’m stressing. I cant cope with this! Its such a tight game. Pies just gave away a silly free – push in the back and really wasn’t needed and eagles just got the first goal of the game. UGHHHH.

Now a free to Mihocek who kicked long to the square, but eagles mark. Umpires are really picking up on any touch in the back and giving free’s all over the park. Crikey, eagles just got the ball all the way down the ground, through free kicks. Every single kick but they only got a minor score.

Plenty of back-n-forth but not a lot of scoring. Except by the Eagles. Liam does this jerky looking sideways run at goal, kind of like when a thugby player runs to kick the ball off the ground. Successful though, sadly. And again. This is not what I want to see! 18 point difference. Things need to change!!

VARCOE!!! Go you good thing!!! Looks like they are pegging it back now 🙂 DeGoey has it…out on the full?? What??

Quarter time. Thank god! Time for Buckley to do some magic!

Second Quarter – Eagles by 12

More scrapping and back and forth in the centre. Not sure what’s with Aish but that’s the second kick he has passed off in the eagles 50. MIHOCEK!!! Time to put it through the big ones….come on dude!!! Awwwwww Yisssss!!!! Bloody ripper! And Adams!!! Work Sherrin to the face for Maine…ouch!! And Varcoe – gets from the wing to the square at a really tight angle.

Maine!!! 50M penalty!! Go boys!!!

WTF? Free to Rioli – for ducking his head into a tackle? What crud. I’m glad he missed.

So scrappy – is the pig skin greasy or something? Jetta is dangerous, sooo dangerous. And eagles score.

Goldsack seems to have wrapped up Kennedy pretty effectively. Wooottt… DeGoey!!! Pies back in front! Pies by 4!

Cracker of a game!! Absolute cracker!! One of the eagles did a hammie in the first quarter, and that really sucks for him – as much as I dont want the Eagles to win, I still dont want to see a player injured.

Now Eagles have a chance, umpires gave a ‘deliberate’ and they scored. Eagles by 2

Mihocek! YES! Pies by 4!

HOLY COW! What a game! Behind for the eagles and its pies by 3. Jetta – just how good is he? The man is everywhere! He is like, always on camera!! And he just got a free – Varcoe held his leg. And Rioli gets a goal. How’s that for a footy-family name.

Stephenson has it. Come on lad. Kick it long….And a behind. I think it was outside 50? Big kick for a young lad – the rising star recipient.

Hahahahaha…the commentator just said ‘stacks-on’…lol, made me giggle! Nearly half time, thankfully. I need a drink! Free to Goldsack – thanks for the push, Kennedy.

Stephenson!! A scrappy over the shoulder snap, and gets it right through the middle. Pies by 4.

Ughhhh….ball-up in the eagles goal square – and pies rush it for a behind. Well done, smart play boys. GRUNDY! Nice mark lad.

And that’s it. Half time. Time for the lads to go their separate ways,


For the love of footy….

Footy. I love it.

And by footy, I’m talking about the real footy. The only footy. The Australian Football League. The greatest game of all. There is no other code that incites the nation to don the colours of their favourite team and make the trek to the footy ground. If you have ever been in Melbourne for a weekend during footy season, you will know exactly what I mean. The trains, trams and busses are loaded with jersey wearing supporters. Strangers wearing the same colours talk to each other – unspokenly united by the mutual love of their teams. The atmosphere is electric.

The game has had such an impact it has inspired songwriters to write and singers to sing. Mike Brady’s 1979 classic ‘Up there Cazaly‘, inspired by the great Ron Cazaly and his mighty leaping prowess. Its only got one real verse, and the chorus repeats a few times, but if you are a footy fanatic, when you hear the opening cords, you can feel your heart pound in your chest as the excitement builds because you know what’s coming, and that its bloody great. And even though it wasn’t written for AFL, it has been adopted by us – ya just cant go past Hunters and Collectors ‘Holy Grail’

Howe takes a screamer!Athleticism – leaping 6ft into the air for a stellar grab. (And he is back for the finals!!)

I’m a Collingwood fan. A Pie’s fan. A mad, one-eyed, loyal, fanatical and somewhat crazy pies fan. I love my black-n-white boys. They are my team, my boys and my loyalty remains, through thick and thing. Anyone who knows me at all knows just how much I love my team AND my footy. ‘Passionate’ doesn’t even come close. ‘Fanatical, obsessive’ – they are a bit more apt.

Tonight, I’m sitting here with my love, watching the EJ Whitten Legends Game. Its a game where retired players, some who have seen better days get together in two teams and play. Its a game of fun and laughter with the purpose, other than entertainment, being fund raising. EJ Whitten ‘Teddy’ was a legend of the game, one of the all time great players. He died of prostate cancer in 1995 and his son set up a research foundation in his memory. These ‘legends’ games are part of the fundraising effort, so its a great cause as well as being a great watch.

This years Legends game is pretty good. Jarman resembles a keg on legs, the little round mound of sound….and Motlop, wow, his athleticism, technical skill and ability to read the ball is still top notch -and the man can still kick a cracker goal and crack a winning smile.

Kouta- still so damn pretty and Champion with his perfect teeth and hair and uncanny knack for making the easy look difficult. Missing though is Brereton, but perhaps he is too old now, and I would really love to see Kappa out there – a bit of a dill but pretty entertaining. Its a shame my all time favourite player, Dane Swan, isn’t playing – not sure how his busted up feet would hold up to it?

Its finals season. We’re at the pointy end, people! Get Excited! My boys are ‘in the 8’ for the first time in like….forever? Ive supported them through thick and thin and I’m stoked that we made the 8. We actually made 3rd. Next Saturday we play the Eagles in the second qualifying final and its sure to be a cracker of a game.

I love that I have every weekend off now. I can watch the entire finals season. My goal is to ‘live blog’ the Pies games. And by ‘live blog’, I am going to do my best to write what’s in my head, while watching the game. That could be ugly, or pretty, or a cacophony of I dont even know what…..and it might even make for interesting reading. Its a good thing I know the game 🙂 And that I’m not at all biased….

I convinced a NQ friend (Matty Green) to go to a game when he was in Melbourne for ‘Spark of Life’. Having never experienced AFL, and being a mad league supporter, he went on with the ‘gay-fl, aerial ping-pong etc’ and all the other insults league followers come up with. But to his credit, he hooked up with some of our colleagues who were Vic Natives, and went to a game. His response to me ‘I had a beer in one hand, a pie in the other, it was pissing rain, I had no bloody clue what was going on and had the best time at a footy game I have ever had. The atmosphere was unbeatable’.

This year, we, the black-n-white army will be marching as one, side by side, towards the holy grail of AFL, the Premiership Cup. Its the year of the Pies, its ours, boys n girls, ITS OURS!!

Up there Cazaly!

Well you work to earn a living

But on weekends comes the time

You can do what ever turns you on

Get out and clear your mind

Me, I like football

But there’s a lot of things around

When you line them up together

The footy wins hands down

Melbourne – Favourite Pair of Knickers

My whirlwind trip to Melbourne is winding down. (I’m actually home now, but whatever…!) What a fabulous time I’ve had.

Melbourne, Victoria – it always feels like home when I come here. Feels like putting on my favourite pair of knickers. For those of you who are less crass than I – you know – your favourite jumper or most comfy pair of shoes, maybe your dressing gown or jarmies?? I love this place. I feel like I can relax, breath, chill and be comfortable.

Melbourne CBD has grown up around itself and made the most of the historical architecture that was part of the formation of the city. Gentrification has transformed the multitude of laneways, some only wide enough to walk single file down and previously used for deliveries and removal of ‘waste’ and conducting of business previously seen as unfit for the general populous. The quintessentially Melbourne laneways filled with art of all kinds, abstract, pop art, political, environmental, social depictions and representations of an evolving city, the most liveable of cities. The laneways are now full of businesses, bustling with life, laughter, and a diverse range of eclectic people, perfect fodder for the average ‘people watcher’, like me. These laneways are full of a fascinating history and tours are conducted of various parts of the city. Next visit I’m going to try and get on one – because as much as I love sitting in one of the gazillion amazing laneway cafe’s, watching the world pass me by while sipping on my mocha, I love the history, the stories of debauchery, murders, crime and general living that is part of Melbourne.

I walked the streets of Melbourne, about 8Km in total in the afternoon and another 4km in the evening. I ventured toward Southbank at night, found a nice little Mexican place serving up gorgeous tostada and chilli con queso. Sadly though, no photos – I didn’t take my phone or wallet with me, so no camera. Totally worth leaving the phone and camera behind – what I didn’t get in pictures, I got in memories and enjoyed the beautiful balmy night, the sights, the titillating company and conversation. Accompanied by beer and sangria, of course.

Semi-Country Victoria

After an amazing night in the city, I was up at 0500 and ventured to the ‘semi-rural’ Yarra Valley, for the function I came here to attend. Victoria’s public transport is pretty bloody awesome. After almost no hiccups, yummy coffee and hurried good-bye’s, I boarded at iconic Flinders St and headed to the Valley. As the train ambled through the city, I took a few pictures of the scenery and as we passed through Richmond, saw a pub or two that bought back memories of the recent past. Poignant and sweet, life goes on.

I arrived in the Valley and had my breath taken away by the beauty. The quaint little cottages, the tree lined streets, drenched in the spring sunshine and the most historically Aussie letterbox, all for my pleasurable viewing. It would have been totally romantic, if I wasn’t in this part of the country alone! Healsville’s Avenue of Honour, even with the occasional vehicle darting along, is a thing of peace, tranquility and beauty. I stopped, gazed, remembered, gave thanks and strolled on through, soaking up the beauty, thinking it may wash out some of my inner bogan. Or not. This place, like so many of the little towns in rural/semi-rural Victoria also feel like comfy knickers. I’m thinking there is something happening here?

Flinders Street Station. Anyone who visits or has visited Melbourne knows of this place. Its old. Really old (by Australian Standards!) and it is a thriving metropolis in its own rights. Saw my first ‘jumper’ at this place and kissed my first sailor here also. view

Yes, it is a letterbox. Healesville, Victoria.

Back to the comfy knickers

I reversed the journey and made my way back to Melbourne, for my return to Brisbane. Having a bit of time after arriving at Flinders Street I headed for the Bourke Street Mall and came across this gem, busking. I sat and soaked up the perfect weather Melbourne turned on, just for me, closed my eyes and felt the music. Then some silly onion sat next to me, opened his phone and started playing ‘Highway to Hell’, loudly. My AC/DC fandom goes way back, so whilst I applaud his taste in Aussie Rock, really? Now? Said ‘old mate’ succumbed to the multitude of ‘stink eye’s’ cast in his direction by a number of folk doing the same as me, and moved his ass elsewhere. Thankfully.

I couldn’t resist a few pics of the Block Arcade and the famous Hopetoun Tea Rooms. One day I will be organised enough to book a high tea here for Jecca and I and wonder if we are sitting in the same spot as my Mum and Nana used to sit, all those years ago when they went there. Check out the cakes in the window and the tiles of the floor. Block Arcade, you touch my soul.

How about those laneways?

Ok, so maybe I have a fixation? An addiction? An obsession, or just a fascination? I’m not sure, but I do love the laneways. I walk through them, look at the ground, the walls, the art, dirt, rubbish, cafe’s and people. I find myself wondering about the people who walked these laneways long before me and I want to know their stories. I reach out and touch the bricks and see if I can make some kind of ethereal connection with the person who laid that brick wall. I want to know what the story of that bricklayer was – how did they end up a bricklayer? Were they married? Kids? What did they do on their days off? How much were they paid? What were the conditions like?

The cafe’s. Making choices hard! I quite like a good coffee, its not really an obsession though…..and the laneways offer up dozens of places for good coffee – with ambiance thrown in, free. I walked through the laneways which were filled to the brim with quirky, cutesy cafe’s but didn’t stop there for coffee. I sought out the alternative. I found a few laneways that didn’t have people brimming out in the street, but instead had a little sign with the cafe name, posted above an obscure doorway. I found gold. Do this! Check out the laneways that look vacant, find yourself a gem. Venture through those obscure doorway’s. Its fun. There are a gazillion of them to be enjoyed.

I even got photobombed!! Check this out! I thanked him, he and his mates laughed and wished me a good morning.

Melbourne and the homeless….

For all of the kitsch that Melbourne CBD offers up, the homeless situation in the city is not like anything I have seen in any other capital. I didn’t take photos of these people who are living rough and I understand that sometimes people just cant do the ‘four walls, roof and a picket fence’ deal, for any number of reasons. Some fall on hard times, fall into a rut and cant get out. Some suffer mental illness rendering them incapable of addressing the situation or managing their mental health, some are there because its where they want to be, and I’m sure they all have a story – general society doesn’t want to know these stories though – and is it any wonder when the premier refers to it as a ‘homeless problem‘. Its an issue, mate, it needs to be managed….and ‘active policing’ is not the best way to address it. It really isn’t.

So I was walking along a gorgeous little laneway, and I took two photos of the same lane – showing the nexus and juxtaposition between the cafe crowd and the homeless, how they co-exist, how they survive.

Melbourne. The city I love. My comfy pair of knickers. I love you, Melbourne. I will be back…..

Heading Home Day – The Journey to Melbourne

‘Melbourne trip’ day dawned like a typical Brisbane morning. Clear bright skies, sun shining, not a cloud to be seen and a chilly 14C. I woke before my alarm, post a healthy 4hr slumber and made the trip to the airport. I had pre-booked and paid for my parking with BAP (Brisbane Airport Parking), and after getting a discount voucher from their facebook page, paid a paltry $9, including the free airport transfer’s. That would have been awesome, except I paid on my credit card which I cancelled after the great iPhone incident of 2017 and access to the car park requires validation with the credit card used to purchase. Ugh. My fault entirely – I should have called BAP and discussed options prior to arriving on their doorstep!

Brisbane Airport

I don’t mind airports and I do like to watch the people. I’m flying Tigerair to Melbourne and being me, I’m 2.5hours early because I don’t cope with being late. The flight is a bit over two hours, so budget airlines work for me. Although I am quite tall, with really long legs (honest), I can sit in relative comfort on any carrier so Tiger works for me. I don’t have any checked baggage, thankfully, because the self-check-in computers have broken so its back to the old way of lining up and speaking to a person.

Broken computer’s are OK, these things happen, that’s the way it is with technology. It is really quite problematic when it happens at this time of the day though as I wasn’t caffeinated prior to doing the manual check-in. I had to speak to people. My fellow travellers who had taken place in line with me were being entirely inappropriate, passing decisive comments such as ‘good morning’? Yes, Mr ‘Bright and Bubbly, hot as hell tradie’, it MAY be morning, but it is far to early to deduce if it is in fact a ‘good’ morning. It may not be a ‘good’ morning, or it might, or it might not be for me, or it might not be for you if you dont stop smiling and talking to me. I need coffee.

And Ms ‘lady in a floral skirt and tan blouse’ with your ridiculously invasive ‘how are you today?’ – what’s with the Spanish Inquisition lady? Really? Do I look like a roguish criminal who is about to crash-tackle you for your gorgeous Prada handbag? Why so invasive? Back off!! Do I look like a person who is adequately caffeinated and equiped to ‘people’?? But that is an awfully nice looking handbag……

This is how a caffeine addict reacts, pre-caffeine, when forced to interact with ‘people’. This cant be legal, surely? Is there a law stating I MUST interact with people in a polite and civilised manner, before caffeine? I think I need a policy job so I can draft legislation reflecting the utter absurdity of requiring a caffeine addict to interact and ‘people’, prior to adequate caffeination. It could be a matter of public safety, at the very least.


Nectar of the Gods – Juice of People and Humanity

I’ve now made my way to the ‘food court’ and purchased myself some ‘people and humanity’ juice. A big cup, with a triple shot. This should tide me over until I reach my destination. I think I will be able to board the aircraft and travel, in a relatively civilised manner, to Melbourne. Ive hurried my face in my iPad, because it is less likely that ‘people’ will want to ‘people’ with me, I can pretend I need to look at the keyboard while I type and also avoid ‘people’ this way. The lengths I will go to…. I am excited, although to the casual passer-by, my excitement could rival Hannah Gadsby’s chipper carriage. Melbourne. Its going to be a great afternoon and wonderful evening and I’m totally stoked, but just wish I was able to stay for longer. It is Melbourne, after all.

40 minutes until I board. Best I head to my gate. I just don’t cope with being late, even with semi-adequate caffination…..

Disclaimer: I abhor violence, with or without caffeine. No ‘people’ were harmed in the contemplation of or composition of this blog post

Busy Days

Its now 38 days until I leave for Europe. 38 long days. I’ve still got so much to do.

Today though, its washing day. I’m sitting in the laundromat for the second time today, washing quilts and mattress protectors. This laundromat, in downtown Logan Central, offers up a selection of industrial washers and dryers which make light work of my mammoth mattress protectors and quilts. Quality bedding is an essential for me. I’m in love with a set of bamboo sheets I purchased last summer – so cool and soft! I seriously need another set. Expensive but totally worth it. Sleep is an eternal struggle so I do all I can to facilitate an amicable relationship between myself and the insomnia beast. Sometimes I win. Rarely though.


I’m off to Melbourne next week for a wedding. Anyone who knows me just a tiny bit is fully aware of how much I love Victoria. It is my home state and a state that I love. I do have one friend, a fellow Victorian, who refers to it as ‘The people’s republic of Victoria’. He cant help it. Politically he is a ‘righty’ which means he is actually never ‘right’. I forgive him this because I adore him to pieces, even though technically he is a defector and everyone knows that the ‘right’ are grossly incorrect. It really is the most charming of cities. The people, atmosphere, history, architecture, cafe culture and FOOTY. My beloved FOOTY! Melbourne is also incredibly easy to navigate. The trams in the city are free and the trains are not expensive.

I have a night in Melbourne before I head up to the wedding location and I’m really looking forward to it. Plans have been made and I’m sure to have a wonderful time exploring the city in the afternoon and evening. I’m thinking of a nice restaurant for dinner, but it’s Melbourne so who really knows what will transpire? I’d honestly be happy to sit on the Yarra, have a beer and some wedges and watch the city come alive for the evening. The beauty of Melbourne is the offering of hatted restaurants alongside fish-n-chip shops, abutting funky pubs and eclectic cafe’s. The choices are endless and the ambiance of this city is second to none. Now, if Dane Swan would just pop on by, I would be a very happy girl….!

The only possible negative about a trip to Melbourne at this time of year is that it is ‘off season’, so I cant catch a game. Oh, the weather also could be problematic, with Melbourne being famous for it’s ‘four seasons in one day’. I’ve got a nice summer dress for the wedding, then I remembered to check the weather. Depending on which weather app I look at, the wedding location in Yarra Glen is either going to be 20C or 30C. Not quite sure how to manage this? I’m only taking ‘carry-on’ baggage because I am only down there for two nights so don’t need much but I’m thinking I may need to revise the wedding outfit. Knowing my luck it will snow. Stranger things have happened. Good ‘ol Google forecasts 27C, so I will go with that. I can do 27C quite comfortably.

The Girls

I went out to the holiday accommodation we have booked for the girls, just to double check their booking and ensure they had received the deposit. All is well. The accommodation is confirmed. I just need to pay the rest of the money. Those of you who have put their fur-babies in accommodation whilst you have been away will understand the angst that goes along with this, as well as the associated cost. Man-oh-man its expensive! We don’t really mind though, they are totally worth it and it gives us peace of mind while we are afoot.

The girls are booked in to Rossmore Kennels for my Melbourne jaunt also. I did manage to book the wrong weekend, initially, I’m not sure how I achieved that, but I did. I’m a bit special like that? It will give them a chance to see check out their Christmas accommodation. I discussed it with them, they are not terribly happy. They think I have been away far more than needed this year. Tough luck girls. Mama has a life!