Twenty days and counting

20 Days

I cant believe it is less than three weeks until I leave. I’m missing Jecca pretty badly and I’m so very excited for adventure. I am going to miss the girls, my friends and the other good things that have happened in my life of late. Rest assured though, they will still all be here on my return.

This week is crazy-busy. Two big days at the CLC, a CPD training session, help with a car service for a friend, a funeral and then a couple of shifts on-road. This, as well as fitting in my bouncefit classes, socialising (<3) doing the house and yard work and following my hobbies as well as attending the CLC Christmas party. So much to do!

Travel Insurance

After a bunch of research, I selected and paid for my travel insurance through CoverMore. I hope I dont have to access it, but it really is a necessary evil. I’m such a klutz that if I didn’t get insurance, I would definitely need it, so working on the balance of probabilities theory, now that I have it, I wont need it and my trip will be seamless. Its nice to see that they offer repatriation and hijacking coverage though. Always comforting….


One of the lovely men I work with has offered me a swanky backpack for my trip. This certainly saves me a pretty penny and is much appreciated. I’m picking it up on the 28th of November but wont pack until the last minute – because leaving shit until the last minute is how I roll. Some of us just work best under pressure and yes, that would be me. I wont leave the packing until the night before, hopefully.

The Flight

I’m dreading the flight. I’m working until midnight on the 10th and fly out on the morning of the 11th. I’m going to be buggered before the journey even starts. I struggle with sleep at the best of times. Travelling for around 31 hours is going to slaughter me. I wont be able to sleep on the plane. I have a 7 hr stop in Guangzhou but sleeping in the airport is probably out of the question. I am considering taking a sarong, finding a quiet corner of the airport so I can lay down on the sarong and snooze but haven’t yet decided. I could probably plug my headphones in to block the noise, chill out and snooze? Maybe even one of those gorgeous eye covers! I have looked at ‘Sleeping in Airports‘ and Guangzhou sounds pretty crap!

I have a 1hr 15min stop at Paris – Charles De Gaulle and have to change terminals. Ive looked online at the airport map and the terminal I have to get to is miles away so I’m hoping I don’t miss my flight to Budapest. I’m flying AirFrance for the entire journey, so if I do miss, hopefully they will rebook me on the next available flight. This is the sort of crap I stress about, which is crazy because I cant do anything about it if and until it happens.

I could totally rock this sleep mask!!

Travel Attire – what to wear?

When I dropped Jess at the airport i checked out what the other travellers were wearing. Everything from good old tracky-dacks to business attire with women in heels. Yeah, no. I’m not wearing heels. I’m not even taking heels! I want to be comfortable, non restricted and warm. Its going to be summer when I leave here and European winter when I lad in Budapest. I’m thinking along the lines of leggings with my waterproof shoes a baggy top and a few layers in my bag to pile on as the it gets colder though the journey? I’m open to suggestions and would love advice on what to wear and what to take in my carry-on luggage to decrease the overall shittiness of the journey.So in less three weeks today, I will see my baby-girl again. I’m so excited, but suspect she hasn’t had time to miss home yet, based on the messages and photos she has sent back. We are meeting at the hostel in Budapest on the morning of the 12th. Damn, I’m excited! So much to see, so much to do. Vow: I wont leave packing until the night before my flight. When I pack, I wont drink a bottle of wine while packing and drunk text folk like I did earlier this year. Hilarious, but not smart!

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