Busy Days

Its now 38 days until I leave for Europe. 38 long days. I’ve still got so much to do.

Today though, its washing day. I’m sitting in the laundromat for the second time today, washing quilts and mattress protectors. This laundromat, in downtown Logan Central, offers up a selection of industrial washers and dryers which make light work of my mammoth mattress protectors and quilts. Quality bedding is an essential for me. I’m in love with a set of bamboo sheets I purchased last summer – so cool and soft! I seriously need another set. Expensive but totally worth it. Sleep is an eternal struggle so I do all I can to facilitate an amicable relationship between myself and the insomnia beast. Sometimes I win. Rarely though.


I’m off to Melbourne next week for a wedding. Anyone who knows me just a tiny bit is fully aware of how much I love Victoria. It is my home state and a state that I love. I do have one friend, a fellow Victorian, who refers to it as ‘The people’s republic of Victoria’. He cant help it. Politically he is a ‘righty’ which means he is actually never ‘right’. I forgive him this because I adore him to pieces, even though technically he is a defector and everyone knows that the ‘right’ are grossly incorrect. It really is the most charming of cities. The people, atmosphere, history, architecture, cafe culture and FOOTY. My beloved FOOTY! Melbourne is also incredibly easy to navigate. The trams in the city are free and the trains are not expensive.

I have a night in Melbourne before I head up to the wedding location and I’m really looking forward to it. Plans have been made and I’m sure to have a wonderful time exploring the city in the afternoon and evening. I’m thinking of a nice restaurant for dinner, but it’s Melbourne so who really knows what will transpire? I’d honestly be happy to sit on the Yarra, have a beer and some wedges and watch the city come alive for the evening. The beauty of Melbourne is the offering of hatted restaurants alongside fish-n-chip shops, abutting funky pubs and eclectic cafe’s. The choices are endless and the ambiance of this city is second to none. Now, if Dane Swan would just pop on by, I would be a very happy girl….!

The only possible negative about a trip to Melbourne at this time of year is that it is ‘off season’, so I cant catch a game. Oh, the weather also could be problematic, with Melbourne being famous for it’s ‘four seasons in one day’. I’ve got a nice summer dress for the wedding, then I remembered to check the weather. Depending on which weather app I look at, the wedding location in Yarra Glen is either going to be 20C or 30C. Not quite sure how to manage this? I’m only taking ‘carry-on’ baggage because I am only down there for two nights so don’t need much but I’m thinking I may need to revise the wedding outfit. Knowing my luck it will snow. Stranger things have happened. Good ‘ol Google forecasts 27C, so I will go with that. I can do 27C quite comfortably.

The Girls

I went out to the holiday accommodation we have booked for the girls, just to double check their booking and ensure they had received the deposit. All is well. The accommodation is confirmed. I just need to pay the rest of the money. Those of you who have put their fur-babies in accommodation whilst you have been away will understand the angst that goes along with this, as well as the associated cost. Man-oh-man its expensive! We don’t really mind though, they are totally worth it and it gives us peace of mind while we are afoot.

The girls are booked in to Rossmore Kennels for my Melbourne jaunt also. I did manage to book the wrong weekend, initially, I’m not sure how I achieved that, but I did. I’m a bit special like that? It will give them a chance to see check out their Christmas accommodation. I discussed it with them, they are not terribly happy. They think I have been away far more than needed this year. Tough luck girls. Mama has a life!

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